Anyway, without further ado, here are some pictures of me at around 6 weeks into P90X:
If you open up my post "How's this for a Bold Blogging Move?" and compare the pictures you'll see a big difference (or, at least, I think it's big) in my arms, tummy, and back. I'm pretty proud of myself. How exciting that I'm still a week away from half-way. So much time to get to where I really want to be!
I'd like to say I've been following the eating plan by rote, but GP would probably comment and remind me that cookies are not included in the diet. Suffice to say that I've been taking the eating plan into consideration and I think about it... Sometimes. I'm sure I'd see even better results if I stuck to it better. In that spirit, my nutrition goal for the rest of P90X is to do away with most grains. This is a cinch except for the following fact GP brought up: tortillas are so very convenient as vessels for food. It's hard to dream up a lunch that's quicker to make than a wrap. Any ideas, cyberspace?
Bonus picture: Here is something GP made for his dinner the other night. I'm sure he'd want any viewers to be aware of the lovely "garnish" of Mrs. Dash. Unfortunately, I wasn't home for this particular meal but I'm sure it was memorable.
Bonus points if you can guess what's in it.
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