(In no order)
1. I make an amazing birthday cake. Evidence to the left from my little brother's birthday, which was yesterday.
2. GP does nice things for me, like cleaning the entire kitchen after I made the aforementioned cake (and when the kitchen was a MESS), EVEN THOUGH he wasn't able to come to the birthday dinner because he was working and EVEN THOUGH I told him explicitly not to clean it up because I would when I got home. It was kind of like having a house-elf, but GP is a lot more handsome and independent.
3. I look fabulous in most hats.
4. I'm good at things I don't even like doing, namely yoga.
5. Friskies does NOT like whistling, which makes for endless entertainment. If GP or I whistle, she tries to bite us.
6. I don't have to go to school or work right now. Neat!
7. I have a knack for finding great places to live just at the right time.
9. I haven't gotten a sunburn yet this summer. That is good because my skin is very fair and sunburns are painful and do not bode well for future health or skin appearance.
10. I can speak French. That's awesome because I live in a bilingual country and I think everyone living here should be taught more of both languages.
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