Friday, May 6, 2011

Peaks and Valleys

So, I have a half-finished post saved that I wrote a few days ago about all the things I hated about my job and, as luck would happen, I got fired today. Wait, rewind, I'll start from the beginning.

Today I received a phone call from my manager telling me not to come in to work tomorrow because they had hired new people and had training shifts scheduled for them. She said I was to come in on Monday, which was fine with me. Then I phoned her back because I remembered a few dates I wanted to give her far in advance that I would be unavailable. She told me to fill out the form they have for requesting days off and I said that wouldn't be a problem I'd do it on Monday, and to have a good weekend and "bye!". All's well, right?

She phoned back not five minutes later, saying "I don't think this is going to work". I was unsure what she meant. It totally blindsided me. She went on to say "With the time you took off at the beginning and then the time you're requesting now, I just don't think it's going to work". I told her that the time I was requesting now was far in the future and that my volunteering was only once a month. She didn't care; she talked over me and told me how I was to go about collecting my paycheque. I said "I'm sorry it won't work" and all she said was "yeah" and I said "ok, bye". What a bitch.

This leaves me feeling a few different things. The first is shock, because I did well in that job, and I had never been fired before. The second is sadness, because I won't be able to go in there anymore and because I liked some of my coworkers. The third is frustration, because now I have to find a new job without the support of already having one and because I did absolutely nothing wrong.

Here are the reasons I hated that dumb job anyway:

1. Bitchy micromanagers who make me do stupid busy work when I'm already actually doing something useful. You are not better than me because you actually want to work there.

2. After I came back from Edmonton nobody asked me how it was or said "It's nice to see you again" or "We missed you" or whatever. It seemed like nobody noticed I was gone. I don't want to work somewhere I don't feel needed or appreciated.

3. The floor was really hard and my feet hurt like the Dickens after walking around all day.

4. The owners and managers did not trust the employees: there were cameras everywhere and I was told they watch the tape. The employees would be watched and they would be fired if they weren't always looking busy or helping someone. That's bullshit. I want to work hard because I respect my boss and believe in the product being sold, not because I'm afraid of being fired.

5. The pay was shitty. Better than the other stores in the mall (or so I was told), but still shitty.

6. Almost every product they sold was made in China and had a HUGE mark-up. I don't want to have to sell things I wouldn't buy normally.

7. Michael Buble, Andrea Bocelli, Il Divo, and the Hair soundtrack are great and all, but not when you listen to them over and over and over.

8. The dress code was quite strict and hypocritical. We had to wear all black, but we could "accessorize" with white. That meant we could wear a white headband (ew), or white jewelery (ew again) or a white shirt under a sweater, but it couldn't show too much. I once wore a white cardigan and the manager took me aside and told me it was "too much white". Like the customers would even notice or give a fuck. And as for the hypocritical part, the managers could wear grey when they felt like it, and the owner's daughter could wear whatever the hell she liked.

9. There were rules and forms for everything and it was only a small store! I'm not sure a job could be more bureaucratic unless you worked for the government.

10. They didn't recycle or compost. Maybe this should be at the top of the list.

In summation, I am disappointed. Mostly because I want/need to have money. But also because I'm pretty sure my good looks and incredible people skills made my manager feel threatened because she is fat and ugly and comes off sounding phony and condescending when she talks to customers. I'm thinking this probably happened so that I could find something much better. Onwards and upwards. Hooray for positivity!


  1. Good riddance!

    I can sympathise with nearly all of these points (especially the good looks and people skills). In particular, I have never enjoyed working at a place (most of them) that makes you feel like you should be worshiping the very ground they walk on because they gave you a job. And don't slack off with that worship, they're watching!

    She'll probably use the new, slightly increased and long overdue minimum wage as an excuse for your canning.

  2. i don't know if requested time off is grounds for firing someone. you should look into it. if it's not, you could be in line for 2 weeks worth of severance pay. don't quote me on that, you may need to have been employed there for several months but it's worth checking out just in case. squeeze them for all you can get.

    on the plus side, since you worked there for such a short time and won't be using it as a reference, you have the excellent opportunity to write them a scathing letter highlighting everything you just did here! i've had a few jobs where i've wanted to tell my bosses what was up but never did on account of needing the reference in the future. god, would i have loved to. if nothing else, do it for me. send me a copy of the letter so i can vicariously bask in the joy of rubbing someones face in their own shit. i had a recent confrontation with a co-worker who was being a dickhead and while it's a pain in the ass at the time, i'm very glad i did it. now i don't have to have the shitty replays in my head where i should have said this and that.

    sorry krieger but don't sweat it. you're destined for better things than that back-destroying floor.

  3. I'm with you all the way, up until you get to the ad hominem attack -- Jen D

  4. Kimmy,

    Sorry to hear that. I know how stressful it is finding a job in this economy. I always thought that after I got my degree I'd be in a far better position for jobs and more desirable, after applying to 60 (I kid you not) jobs I got 2. One at Honda through a friend and a support job which is now non-existent because of funding cuts. I was looking for another job until I found out Marc got into Med School in Ireland. We leave in July - I'm worried the situation will be far worse....

    Don't let it get you down :) You're smart, charming and very witty :)

  5. You have to work at a business for three months before you are entitled to any notice or severance pay. You can be fired summarily for no reason within that time. Pretty draconian, but c'est la vie.


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