Wednesday, March 9, 2011


I still don't have a job and it fucking sucks. Sometimes I get really down about my very high resume sending to interview ratio. Maybe I'm being too picky, I don't know. But I think I could be excellent at anything I want to do and, really, I don't think the jobs I'm applying for require a lot of skill. I am more than qualified to be a receptionist.

I'm also pretty tired of relying on my parents for money and not being able to do fun things because I don't make my own money. It takes a toll on one's self-confidence, for sure.

Anyway, to stay positive I've been thinking about all the excellent things about not having a job and here they are:

Top Ten Awesome Things about Being Unemployed

10. Not having to worry about what to wear. I just wear jeans and call it a day.

9. Our house is super clean because, even after doing things I want to do, I often have time to vacuum or sweep. And I don't feel guilty for doing it because I don't have homework to do.

8. My mother hears from me frequently because I call her when there's an icky chore I don't want to do. So you could say my familial relationships are better because I don't have a job. Well, maybe that's a stretch.

7. Saving money is kind of necessary, so I'm getting pretty good at it.

6. We are eating healthier because I've done lots of reading about nutrition and stuff. And I have time to plan what to buy for the week at the store.

5. I'm way more in touch with current events because I can listen to the CBC while I'm doing whatever it is I'm doing around the house.

4. Having plentiful time to work out. I don't have an excuse if I miss a week-day workout.

3. Being able to volunteer. I love hanging out with the SPCA kitties.

2. Not having a schedule. If I want, I can head down to Victoria for the day and not have to make sure it's ok with work.

1. Getting to dance around my house to Europop at 2pm in my underpants with Friskies.

Writing this list made me realize how much I need a job. No amount of sugarcoating makes this lifestyle less boring or more rewarding. Does that sound depressing?

1 comment:

  1. Hm...until you got to the post-list commentary, it sounded kind of lovely to me. Perhaps this is because I miss the CBC so, though...


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