Thursday, July 8, 2010

Let Me Count the Ways

Here are the reasons why I am like an old lady:

1. I like going to bed early and waking up early so I "don't waste the day away sleeping".
2. I like knitting.
3. I talk to my cat... A lot.
4. I have nice handwriting.
5. I get sleepy in the afternoons and I can't "tolerate the heat/cold like I used to".
6. To go along with the above, I wear big hats and lots of sunscreen to avoid skin cancer.
7. One of my favourite beverages is tea. The other is a refreshing gin and tonic.
8. I have a great memory for birthdays, but I will tell you the same story countless times if you don't let me know I've already told it to you.
9. My hands are bony.
10. I get annoyed with loud sounds, like construction, and I take second hand smoke as a personal insult.

1 comment:

  1. It's a little terrifying how some of these describe me as well. In particular, 3, 5, 6, 7, second half of 8, 9 and 10 - especially 7 and 10. I could come up with more than enough reasons on my own to fill in the gaps and still have enough left over to chuck at the kids who don't keep off the lawn.


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